Meilan Jess

Meilan Jess

Undegraduate Research Asisstant

University of Colorado Boulder

Meilan Jess is an undergraduate student in applied math with an area of emphasis in Quantum Engineering at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Her educational interests include abstract algebra and applied analysis. Their research interests are within the range of mathematical applications and modeling within quantum sensing.

Meilan is a part of the Engineering Honors Program at the University of Colorado, Boulder and has participated in a number of student organizations such as Engineers Without Borders (Chapter Secretary), oSTEM, and CHAMP (Colorado Homeless Assistance with Medicine Program). Aside from academics, she enjoys volunteering in humanitarian efforts such as vaccine clinics and spends her free time training BJJ and Muay Thai.

  • Mathematical Biology
  • Mathematical Chaos, systems
  • Quantum Sensing/Measurement
  • Undergraduate in Applied Math

    University of Colorado, Boulder